Buyer Analysis


  • Who are your buyers?

    1. Did you ask people with the problem you are solving?

      1. What did they say?

    2. What is the current market size?

    3. Is it worth selling to them?

    4. Ask current distributors

      1. Influencers

      2. Competitors

      3. Podcasts

      4. Youtube channels

      5. Facebook groups

      6. Consultants

    5. Creating a list:

      1. Ask the distributors

      2. Li, Tw, Fb groups, Ads, Socal Ads, Forums, Podcasts, tradeshows

    6. Survey your buyers - get a list of 10 - 1000 people from either your distributors or your lists

      1. Who are they?

        1. Role

        2. How long in business

        3. Do they have the problem?

      2. Do they have the need?

      3. Do they know they have a need?

      4. If not, why?

      5. Do they want the product?

      6. How much are they willing to pay?

      7. If you can’t create a list at the beginning of the project, how will you do it later?

    7. Do you know already? Are you sure?

    8. Can you make a list of buyers to call today? Most of the time, the answer is no.

    9. If yes, then can you break them apart into the different buyer types?

    10. If you can’t identify all of them, here is how to do it:

      1. Fake it up process

        1. Fake business

        2. Fake website

        3. Fake ads to drive ideas

        4. Figure out who they are

          1. Facebook customer validation process

          2. Test your messaging

        5. How do you identify them?

    11. Do they want what you’re selling?

      1. Test your messaging

      2. See if they will buy it

      3. Get their contact info

    12. Now that you have a set of people to reach out to, let’s talk… literally.

      1. Get on the phone and CALL THEM

      2. Ask about who they are, what they want, how you can help them

      3. Understand their issues

        1. You will learn things you never realized about your product and offering

        2. You may realize that what you’re doing is going to be a huge success, or that it is not going to work

        3. You have to do things that don’t scale to enable things that do.

        4. Don’t underestimate the value of this.

Last updated