Your SaaS MVP Pre-Development Build Checklist

Before you get started, you should have most or all of the following items completed. This list does NOT include any of the marketing tasks, just system build tasks. Marketing and traction is covered in the marketing, sales, and traction chapter. TO DO



Project is validated and you are 100% sure people want to buy it so much they have already pre-purchased it

Have researched major groups of users, know what features they want, and have determined what value metric you’re using

Different plans and their costs figured out

Pricing page is planned out

Team is selected

Tech stack decided

Project management system is selected and team has been informed on how to use the tool.

Project plan written, approved, and accepted by all team members and stakeholders

Information architecture written

Your documentation system is planned and prepared

Admin panel data-management needs outlined and planned

Payment system chosen, accounts set up, and bank accounts connected

Unit testing system chosen and integration planned

User processes generally planned

System transactional emails planned and designed

User flows designed

Page designs and views created and agreed upon

Integrations with other systems generally planned out

Initial user tagging and triggers planned

3rd party systems to be built into your system considered and planned

Development environment is set up

Code repository system is selected and a repo is set up

Remote systems deployments prepared

Automations server for continuous integrations is selected and planned for deployment

Dependency and systems costs generally planned

3rd party systems costs planned

System build labor costs estimated

Operational labor costs estimated

Initial marketing & advertising costs determined

All initial costs have been funded and ongoing costs planned or funded

You’re feeling good about this?

Last updated